Jenny Radding Mann and Jerry Mann came up a big winner at
The third photo shows Eugene Radding, the oldest Radding at the reunion, with his daughter Jenny Radding Mann along the late. This spry 85-year old hiked 300’ down and back to this point. We should all be in his shape when we get that age.
The Moses Radding paintings [shown below in an earlier blog posting] are now in the possession of Herb Radding, thanks to the help of Peter Radding. Herb brought them to the reunion where they were displayed. They look much better for real than the skewed photos previously posted here
Eva and
Fay Radding volunteered to head up the next reunion committee. She will need lots of help with the research, planning, and preparation. So, if you can help out, please contact Fay on Facebood at the Radding family group.
Danny Radding, a high school student from
Hopefully Raddings who attended the reunion will post their thoughts in the comments that follow this blog. Just click the comment link and follow the prompts. (You'll have to identify yourself; we don't allow anonymous comments.) I hope Raddings will also post comments and photos on the Radding Facebook page. And it doesn’t all have to be about the reunion. Our FacebookFacebook page. group should become an ongoing Radding discussion and family celebration. Every Radding is welcome to put comments and photos on the Radding Family
In addition, I will put up more photos from the reunion in the next blog posting. Eva will put a selection on Facebook too.