Who is not coming to the Radding Family Reunion?
The first week in August promises to be a momentous time for the Radding family. Of course, we have planned a major family reunion—the first of its kind as far as we can tell. But two other terrific events are happening for Raddings at about the same time.
First, a young man, David Samuel Mann, is becoming a Bar Mitzvah in Fresno, California on Saturday, the 4th of August. Mazel tov, David! He is the son on Jennifer Radding Mann. So, we do not expect David and his family to be at the reunion, as much as we’d love to have them.
Second, the other great event for the Radding family will be the launch of the next space shuttle in early August. On board is expected to be astronaut Barbara Radding Morgan. Needless to say, we all wish her the best and safest of trips and don’t expect her to attend the reunion either. Not many families, however, can point to an astronaut on their family tree. The Raddings have come a long way from the shtetl in Latvia.
The first week in August promises to be a momentous time for the Radding family. Of course, we have planned a major family reunion—the first of its kind as far as we can tell. But two other terrific events are happening for Raddings at about the same time.
First, a young man, David Samuel Mann, is becoming a Bar Mitzvah in Fresno, California on Saturday, the 4th of August. Mazel tov, David! He is the son on Jennifer Radding Mann. So, we do not expect David and his family to be at the reunion, as much as we’d love to have them.
Second, the other great event for the Radding family will be the launch of the next space shuttle in early August. On board is expected to be astronaut Barbara Radding Morgan. Needless to say, we all wish her the best and safest of trips and don’t expect her to attend the reunion either. Not many families, however, can point to an astronaut on their family tree. The Raddings have come a long way from the shtetl in Latvia.
We expect to do Havdallah on Sat. night after three stars have come out to mark the end of Shabbat. When we look up at the stars and marvel at God’s creation maybe we will catch a glimpse (or imagine catching a glimpse) of the space shuttle with one of our own aboard passing by. So, David Mann and his family and Barbara Radding Morgan will not be at the Radding Family Reunion. For the rest of you, what’s your excuse? It had better be good.